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The Guided Collective Podcast with Helen Jacobs

Sep 27, 2020

In our intuitive journey, we learn to listen deep within ourselves and acknowledge that in every step we might get a resounding “yes”, a “maybe” or “wait”, and a cautious “no”. But our intuition isn’t just a magic eight ball —and to treat it as such limits its full powers. If I had access to a superpower, you better believe I’m going to maximise its function! 

In order to really harness our intuitive superpower, we need to understand how to use its basic functions, before we can be led into deeper contexts and considerations. In this episode, I share not only how to use your intuition to determine your next right step, but to start seeing your entire pathway. 

Mentioned in this episode: 

Go Deeper: 

  1. Join the Guided Gathering on the last Tuesday of each month for guidance & support
  2. Seeker Group mentoring -- doors are open for September enrolments! Enrolments will be closing in October and not open again until 2021.

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